An initiative with a positive focus

The positive impact of the internet and digital platforms on our societies is undeniable. However, it is often overshadowed by the narrative about the risks it poses to states and societies. How we prepare to address those risks and the resulting vulnerabilities will ultimately shape the direction in which our societies evolve.

The Good Cyber Stories Initiative – a multilateral undertaking by Australia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Estonia, France, Ghana, Mexico, the United Kingdom and the European Union – aims to identify and showcase projects that have positive impact on people’s lives and countries’ policies, and that create an overall positive environment. Telling their stories is a first step to re-centring the focus on the individual and the importance of the multi-stakeholder approach in designing and implementing cyber policies more effectively.

What are Good Cyber Stories?

‘Good Cyber Stories’ are concrete initiatives that contribute to open, free, secure, stable, accessible and peaceful cyberspace. Not only do they present actionable solutions and ideas, but they also provide guidance about how specific initiatives can be scaled up and/or replicated in other political, legal and societal contexts. Possible topics could include, among others, due diligence, critical infrastructure protection and supply chain security, the prevention of the proliferation of malicious ICT and the use of harmful hidden functions. Furthermore, Good Cyber Stories may refer to internationally agreed good practices and positive duties, such as information exchange, mutual assistance, terrorist and criminal prosecution, and responsible reporting of ICT vulnerabilities and remedies.

Good Cyber Stories

Following the UN General Assembly Resolution A/73/L.110, which declared 2021 the “International Year of Peace and Trust”, Good Cyber Stories have focused on peace and trust in cyberspace. In that context, these stories are focused on state-led and non-governmental initiatives that contribute to strengthening international cooperation against malicious activities in cyberspace; promote good practices and positive duties, such as information exchange, mutual assistance, and confidence-building measures; reduce the risk of conflict in cyberspace; and strengthen trust between governments and citizens online as well as promote trustworthy cyberspace. 

Project DNA - a unique approach

To spread the positive impact of each Good Cyber Story, we profile its DNA – a set of specific qualities (‘genes’) that are particularly relevant for the effective and impactful implementation of the project. All projects identified as Good Cyber Stories have a unique ‘DNA’, so the purpose of this exercise is to identify the elements that might contribute to the success of the replication/scaling-up efforts in other countries and communities.
Over time, the inclusion of new projects will contribute to mapping a genome of Good Cyber Stories implemented globally.

DNA | Good Cyber Stories

National Cyber Security Index

Confidence Building Measures in the OAS


No More Ransom

Digital Security Helpline

Cyber 4 HealthCare & SDCDC-19


A Safer Digital Ghana



Women and International Security in Cyberspace Fellowship


École nationale de cybersécurité à vocation régionale

Rising Voices

Multi-Stakeholder Participation
Local Ownership
Organisational Capacity
Transparency and Accountability
Legal and Institutional Framework
Political Importance
Societal Awareness