Good Cyber Story
Target Groups: Citizens
Dominant Genes: Local Ownership, Multi-Stakeholder Participation, Partnerships
DNA sequence Info

Rising Voices


The challenge

Rising voices thumbnail

In an era where information flows ceaselessly through digital channels, linguistic diversity can sometimes find itself at odds with digital inclusion. While it is true that more and more people on earth are connected to the Internet than ever before, over the years it became increasingly clear that certain languages (as well as related regions and demographics) were better represented in the online global conversation than others. However, language should never be a barrier to accessing knowledge that empowers individuals to understand complex subjects. Convinced that the internet and technology can play a crucial role in the promotion and revitalisation of Indigenous, minority, endangered, or under-resourced languages, the Rising Voices Initiative was started in 2007 to help bride that participation gap and support marginalised communities to harness the internet to meet their self-determined needs.

A response

Rising Voice is the digital inclusion arm of Global Voices, a borderless, international, multilingual, and volunteer community that verifies and translates trending news and stories that people might miss on the Internet, from blogs, independent press, and social media around the world. As such Rising Voices maintains a multi-stakeholder character. A range of journalists, politicians, academics, entrepreneurs, and activists with different backgrounds and expertise contribute to Rising Voices. Furthermore, the initiative has created partnerships with other organisations on projects and campaigns that involve almost every region and every country (primarily Latin America, Africa, and Asia).

To tackle the exclusion of some communities from online representation and discourses and promote the use of indigenous, minority, endangered, or under-resourced languages ​​on the Internet and bridge the participation gap the Rising Voices Initiative provides training, resources, microgrant funding, and mentoring to local underrepresented communities that want to tell their own digital story using participatory media tools. Bringing as many languages as possible into the global conversation will enrich the creation and dissemination of information and contribute to the democratisation of digital media. Moreover, it opens the possibility of generating intercultural dialogues and mutual understanding which in turn contributes to peace and trust in cyberspace.

The Impact

Together with partners, Rising Voices has organised a series of social media campaigns featuring language activists from Asia, Latin America, Africa, Canada, the United States, and Europe as a flagship activity. These activists take turns hosting Twitter accounts dedicated to their respective regions and share stories about language revitalisation and the internet's role in it. Participants share personal experiences and insights related to their work in language revitalisation, either as individuals or representatives of organisations, tribes, or nations. Their goal is to raise awareness about their languages, especially among those unfamiliar with them, while connecting with similar communities and activists across regions. The activity of organising social media campaigns, in particular, has several direct connections to the demonstrable interrelated impacts of the Rising Voices Initiative, in general:

1. By bridging the participation gap and supporting marginalized communities to use the internet, this initiative can enhance digital inclusion. This means that more people, regardless of their language or cultural background, can access online resources and participate in the digital world. 

2. Through the use of technology and the internet, individuals from these communities can access educational resources and knowledge that can empower them. This leads to improved educational outcomes and individual well-being. 

3. The initiative helps preserve and revitalise indigenous and minority languages, which are often at risk of disappearing. This has a direct impact on the preservation of cultural heritage and identity. 

4. Bringing more languages into the global conversation enriches the creation and dissemination of information. It also fosters intercultural dialogues and mutual understanding. This, in turn, contributes to peace and trust in the online world, potentially leading to positive social and political impacts.

In sum, the initiative's focus on amplifying local voices and promoting language use in new domains like the internet empowers communities to take control of their own narratives and digital presence and has the potential to impact digital inclusion, cultural preservation, education, policy, cross-cultural learning, and community empowerment, all of which can have far-reaching effects on individual well-being, cultural diversity, and the democratisation of digital media.

Learn more about the Rising Voices initiative here.

Project DNA

Which aspects of this project have contributed to its success? And which, according to the implementing organisations, might play an important role in launching similar initiatives in other parts of the world? The project DNA profiling on the basis of the Good Cyber Stories framework highlighted the importance of three success genes in particular:

O - Local Ownership

Local Ownership

M - Multi-Stakeholder Participation

Multi-stakeholder Participation

P - Partnerships


Rising Voices

Project DNA

Multi-Stakeholder Participation
Local Ownership
Organisational Capacity
Transparency and Accountability
Legal and Institutional Framework
Political Importance
Societal Awareness

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