Good Cyber Story
Target Groups: Business, Academia, Government
Dominant Genes: Organisational Capacity, Local Ownership, Societal Awareness
DNA sequence Info

Internet Shutdowns

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The challenge

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In today’s interconnected world internet shutdowns present a significant challenge, undermining the fundamental principles of free expression, access to information, and digital inclusion. These shutdowns can occur during critical moments such as elections, protests, or periods of social unrest, effectively silencing dissent and disrupting the flow of information. They not only hinder communication among citizens but also impact essential services, economic activities, and emergency response efforts. In regions where access to information is already limited, shutdowns exacerbate existing inequalities and marginalise vulnerable communities further. Additionally, the lack of transparency and accountability surrounding these shutdowns makes it difficult to hold perpetrators responsible, posing a direct threat to democracy and human rights.

A response

However, there is a growing network of different stakeholders from all over the world working together to address this challenge.

In 2016 Access Now launched the #KeepItOn campaign to combat global internet shutdowns. The coalition now includes over 300 organisations worldwide, working together to highlight shutdowns and hold perpetrators accountable. Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition lead by providing strategic guidance to stakeholders interested in opposing shutdowns globally. They offer capacity-building resources to at-risk communities, equipping them with tools and information to bypass shutdowns and raise awareness about their impact. Through periodic briefings and workshops, they share their monitoring and documentation findings with government officials and other stakeholders. Access Now and the #KeepItOn campaign provide strategic recommendations to support the fight against shutdowns, continuing their advocacy even after shutdowns end. They equip affected communities with tools like VPNs to restore online access during partial shutdowns and amplify the challenges faced during shutdowns for use in litigation cases. Their comprehensive approach includes awareness-raising, monitoring and documentation, direct policy-maker engagement, strategic litigation, and naming and shaming of shutdown perpetrators. They demand that governments refrain from imposing shutdowns and invest in open, secure, and inclusive internet access for all. Since the campaign's launch, they have secured various resolutions and statements from governments, the UN, and the African Union denouncing shutdowns. In 2022, the OHCHR issued its first dedicated report highlighting the threat of internet shutdowns and their impact on people's lives globally.

States have also played a crucial role, exemplified by the Freedom Online Coalition’s (FOC) Task Force on Internet Shutdowns (TFIS). The FOC, a partnership of 39 governments, works to advance Internet freedom by promoting free expression, association, assembly, and privacy online globally. Coalition members coordinate their diplomatic efforts and engage with civil society and the private sector to support these goals. Launched in December 2021, TFIS operated until December 2023, serving as a multinational and multistakeholder coordination and response mechanism addressing Internet shutdowns. The Task Force enhanced coordination among like-minded countries, civil society, and the private sector to anticipate and respond to shutdowns. It built on the FOC’s thematic and country-specific Joint Statements, such as the 2022 Joint Statement on Internet Shutdowns in Iran, the 2017 Joint Statement and Accompanying Good Practices for Governments on State Sponsored Network Disruptions, as well as the 2021 G7 Leaders’ Communique and Foreign and Development Ministers Communique. During its operation, the Task Force shared information to help members address and respond to shutdowns as they occurred, disseminated best practices for diplomatic engagement with countries that imposed shutdowns, developed a repository of resources on shutdowns, and coordinated the engagement and response of TFIS members with states that intentionally disrupted their populations' access to or dissemination of information, knowledge, and data online.

The Impact

Collectively, these initiatives undertake a comprehensive approach to address the multifaceted challenges posed by internet shutdowns. By raising global awareness, they educate a wide audience about the detrimental effects of shutdowns on human rights, democratic processes, and economic stability. Through targeted campaigns, public forums, and media outreach, these initiatives highlight specific cases where shutdowns have suppressed free expression, restricted access to critical information, and disrupted essential services. This awareness-raising effort not only informs the public but also galvanises support from policymakers, civil society organisations, and the private sector to collectively oppose and mitigate the impact of shutdowns.

Moreover, these initiatives play a pivotal role in building coalitions across sectors and geographical boundaries. By bringing together governments, tech companies, human rights advocates, and academic institutions, they foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing to strengthen advocacy efforts and develop innovative solutions. These coalitions amplify the collective voice against internet shutdowns, advocate for policy reforms at national and international levels, and promote the adoption of legal frameworks that protect internet freedom and digital rights. By equipping affected communities with resources, these initiatives enable grassroots resilience and strengthen the overall resilience of digital ecosystems.

Through strategic advocacy campaigns, they contribute to shaping global norms and standards that uphold digital rights as fundamental human rights. By promoting an open, secure, and inclusive digital environment, these initiatives strive to create a future where individuals worldwide can freely access information, express themselves online, and participate actively in democratic processes without fear of censorship or disruption.

Learn more about Access Now and the #KeepItOn coalition here.
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Project DNA

Which aspects of this project have contributed to its success? And which, according to the implementing organisations, might play an important role in launching similar initiatives in other parts of the world? The project DNA profiling on the basis of the Good Cyber Stories framework highlighted the importance of three success genes in particular:

C - Organisational Capacity

Organisational capacity

O - Local Ownership

Local ownership

A - Societal Awareness

Societal awareness

Internet Shutdowns

Project DNA

Multi-Stakeholder Participation
Local Ownership
Organisational Capacity
Transparency and Accountability
Legal and Institutional Framework
Political Importance
Societal Awareness

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