Event Details

Informal Consultation Session between the EU & IBSA Forum

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The EU Cyber Direct Project partners together with European University Institute (EUI) School of Transnational Governance organised an informal consultation session between the EU and the IBSA Forum (India, Brazil and South Africa) on 31 May, 2021.

The meeting aimed to address key issues on the international cyber agenda, including the following questions:

1) What are the most pressing challenges for cyber diplomacy?

2) Which cyber policy areas present the biggest opportunity for strengthening cooperation between the EU, India, Brazil and South Africa?

The session was organised in conjunction with the third (virtual) meeting of the European Cyber Diplomacy Dialogue (ECDD) as part of the European Cyber Diplomacy Initiative. The primary objective of the ECDD is to support the efforts of the European Union and its member states in conducting strategic cyber engagements with other countries and stakeholders by providing a platform for regular exchanges between policymakers and scholars. A follow-up in-person meeting is still planned for the second half of 2021.