On 4 May 2023, EU Cyber Direct and the Stimson Center, with the support of the Embassy of Switzerland in the United States of America, jointly hosted a workshop on fostering accountability in cyberspace. The workshop brought together participants from a diverse multistakeholder background, with government officials, international intergovernmental organisation, academics, industry representatives, technical specialists and civil society groups all contributing.
Opening remarks were provided by Allison Pytlak (Stimson Center, Cyber, Program Lead), H.E. Jacques Pitteloud (Ambassador of Switzerland to the United States), Brian Finlay (President and CEO of the Stimson Center), and Andrea Salvi (EUISS, Senior Analyst and Project Director of EU Cyber Direct). Following the opening remarks, the first phase of the workshop was structured around three sessions:
1. Navigating diverse approaches to cyber accountability
2. The relationship between accountability and cyber deterrence
3. Current proposals and approaches
Each session saw a mix of participants provide initial kick-off remarks before the floor was opened for wider discussion and scrutiny.
The main aim of the workshop was to identify gaps and opportunities for advancing accountability in cyberspace – a crucial task that will assist with the implementation of the already acknowledged international norms and laws required to deter malicious cyber operations.
The workshop allowed the various participants to share how they approached and defined the term accountability. The topic of deterrence was also tackled by participants, who spoke of possible mechanisms and consequences that could be developed and employed to deter malicious cyber operations. Midway through the day, the Stimson Center treated participants to a presentation about its research project on cyber accountability and invited the audience to share any feedback.
Prior to the main workshop, EU Cyber Direct and the Stimson Center co-hosted a roundtable discussion on unpacking cyber accountability on 3 May 2023. This event permitted many of the participants from the workshops to meet with representatives from the US government, private sector, and UN agencies.