Directions is a platform for exchanging and discussing ideas – old and new ones – on Europe’s place in the digital world and world views on digital Europe.
Through analysis, commentaries and interviews, Directions aims to stimulate a European debate and showcase the diversity of voices about the present and future of cyber and digital policies – at the national, European and global level. What are the possible directions it might or should take? What are the actions that might pave the way?
With its international team of contributing editors and guest contributors, we aim to address two gaps. First, a unique European perspective is currently underrepresented – or dismissed - in international debates. We want to amplify those voices. Second, European approaches often lack a broader reflection on the impact they have in other parts of the world. We want to listen to those voices.
Our primary interest lies in debating directions for policies falling under the following broad themes: cyber, digital, Europe. We publish commentaries and views that explore policies and issues falling under these three themes from the national, European and international perspectives.
To make sure that we stay on the right course, we have adopted a set of principles to guide us. We are open to both critical and favourable views and opinions that are evidence-based and well-substantiated. We like controversy but not sensationalism. We take our commitment to amplifying new voices seriously. We are a multilingual platform: we publish in English, French and Spanish.
We hope that you can join us along this journey.
If you wish to write for us, please contact our managing editors and consult our style guide.
Directions is an initiative by the EU Cyber Direct project coordinated by the EU Institute for Security Studies. It is funded by the European Union. All authors write in their personal capacity. The views they express on the pages of Directions are theirs alone and do not represent official positions of the European Union or the organisations implementing the EU Cyber Direct project.